Friday, April 17, 2009

My handsom man, Brock, was in the play April in Paris. He was fabulous !!!!!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ice Castle

Hello all! I am still in amazement at how beautiful it is here. We went to Lake Louise this past week to see the Ice Castle and ice sculptures. Wow! It was gorgeous. Lake Louise was one of the first places we visited when we first moved here. All we saw then was rements of the ice castle. Sydney wanted to ice skate on the lake so badly, but had no ice skates. So it was important for us to make it back. We brought the ice skates and sleds (which we did not get around to) and headed out. Due to the wonderful knee injury I could not even step onto the ice, but I had a great time watching. It was truely a great day!

As for the knee, I am still waiting to see the specialist in March. My mobility has gotten better, but there are still limitations. There were some really good days last week. Then I had a set back on Tuesday. It just started hurting with every step and increased swelling. I go back to PT tomorrow. Maybe she can help me figure out what went wrong.

As many of you know we are coming to Louisiana this summer. I am very happy to say we will be purchasing our tickets in the very near future. Yeah!!! It is quite nice that air fare has dropped. So now we will only be speding half a fortue to get all 4 of us back home. So look for us in July. We will be the white pasty looking people that will problably fry in the hot Louisiana sun.

love you all

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Knee update

Just to let you all know what is going on with the double knee injuries.

Sally has had an MRI and knows she has torn her MCL and somehow lost her ACL. Its not even there anymore. She will start PT to get rid of the fluid and loosen the knee. On Feb. 19 she will have surgery to definitly repair (or should I say replace) the ACL and possibly repair the Meniscus if needed.

As for me, I would not be able to get an MRI until August (good ole socialized health care). So we have gone straight to PT. The ACL seems fine. MCL and LCL are damaged but intact. Won't know about the Meniscus for a while. PT is working on getting rid of the fluid.

Thanks for all of you thougths and prayers.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I would love to tell you all about our Christmas Holidays but I find that in this case pictures speak louder than words. Plus you had to see to entertainment with you own eyes to believe it.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Just so you know, the sledding was a bad idea.  Waaaayyyy to cold.  We made two trips down the hill and quit due to painful toes and fingers.  Oh well, we tried.
Ok, I got totally distracted from my blog by facebook. Then remembered there are many more friends not on facebook. Sorry about that guys. You can all blame Amy for that.

Winter has set in. We are experiencing -23 celcius and lots of snow... as you can see in the video. I just wish you could feel it. It wasn't quite that cold yesterday when the video was taken. But today is and they want to try to go sledding. I will let you know how that turns out.

love you all